Really Fancy Salad.
It was once called Gourmet Salad but is now our Really Fancy Salad.
It was renamed by our customers because it was simply too fancy
just to be gourmet!
The Blue Dog Farm Really Fancy Salad mix has more variety and colour than you’ve ever seen, and more flavour than you’ve ever tasted.
The salad mix combines 10-14 leaves, flower petals and microgreens
all grown on Blue Dog Farm without pesticide, herbicide or synthetic fertilisers, just commitment, care and timing to help nature do her thing.
The possibilities include… mizuna, rocket, Lebanese cress, red mustard, parsley, sunflower shoots, red radish microgreens, pea tendrils, red vein sorrel, mushroom herb, sheep sorrel, native mint, chives, with the petals
of pineapple sage, marigolds and dianthus… and more!