REKO is ideal for producers of all sizes because you don’t have to invest in marketing, stalls, site fees or point-of-sale equipment, you just have to list your available product(s) to your local REKO and be there for customer pick-up.
REKO vendors must produce the items they sell. Ex: Beeswax, seedlings, vegetables... (No reselling)
No wasteful packaging
Fewer food miles
Less waste as producers only take to pick-up what has been ordered and paid for.
REKO connects local communities in a positive way.
Many products are seasonal so less storage, better nutrition.
REKO is a great opportunity for fledgling businesses to test and develop.
Saves time, as producers don’t spend early mornings and long days at markets… pick-ups run for one hour!
REKO vendors must produce the items they sell. Ex: Beeswax, seedlings, vegetables... (No reselling)
Vendors are responsible for their own local council and regulatory food handling and business compliance.
mAll orders happen online. No sales should take place at pickup.
Once you are a REKO vendor, you will be onboarded to the online portal where you will set up your profile describing your business, values and processes.
Each week - you list what you have for sale available at this week’s pick-up.
You are required to be at the pre-determined drive-thru location and time ready for customer pick-up.
Orders are tallied and payment for your portion is direct deposited into your nominated bank account.
REKO is where the producers and makers advertise what they have available to purchase at the weekly pick-up.
Customers order and pay online and pick up their orders, each week at a pre-determined drive-thru location and time.
Are you a producer or maker?
REKO is where the producers and makers advertise what they have available to purchase at the weekly pick-up.
Customers order and pay online and pick up their orders, each week at a pre-determined drive-thru location and time.
YES I’d like to enquire about becoming a vendor
REKO is a not-for-profit initiative. There are no ongoing costs other than a small % from each sale which goes towards the costs of running the REKO online portal, and processing payments.
Check out where REKOs are up and running here.
No REKO near you? Let’s talk.
REKO encourages a spirit of co-opertition rather than competition. REKO is open to all eligible vendors.
Vendors are welcome to sell at REKO(s) local to them.
Not sure which is near you, just reach out and we will help you navigate which is best for your location. Some vendors sell at multiple REKOs.
That’s okay. Vendors only advertise produce / goods they have available that week. If there is none, that’s perfectly okay.
Sometimes orders are forgotten or missed. It is the responsibility of the vendor to reach out to the customer and resolve directly.
NO REKO near you? Let’s talk. When we have enough interest in an area, we can work together to launch your local REKO.
Are you a producer or maker?
REKO is where the producers and makers advertise what they have available to purchase at the weekly pick-up.
Customers order and pay online and pick up their orders, each week at a pre-determined drive-thru location and time.
REKO is ideal for producers of all sizes because you don’t have to invest in marketing, stalls, site fees or point-of-sale equipment, you just have to list your available product(s) to your local REKO and be there for customer pick-up.
Benefits of REKO
No wasteful packaging
Fewer food miles
Less waste as producers only take to pick-up what has been ordered and paid for.
REKO connects local communities in a positive way.
Many products are seasonal so less storage, better nutrition.
REKO is a great opportunity for fledgling businesses to test and develop.
Saves time, as producers don’t spend early mornings and long days at markets… pick-ups run for one hour!
“I love REKO. Being a small farmer, it is important to me that customers know how our artisanal approaches differ from large scale production, and REKO allows us to tell our story, in person, COVID safe, every week – and we get to know other producers too! ”
Vendor Guidelines
REKO vendors must produce the items they sell. Ex: Beeswax, seedlings, vegetables... (No reselling)
Vendors are responsible for their own local council and regulatory food handling and business compliance.
All orders happen online. No sales should take place at pickup.
What happens when I become a vendor?
Once you are a REKO vendor, you will be onboarded to the online portal where you will set up your profile describing your business, values and processes.
Each week - you list what you have for sale available at this week’s pick-up.
You are required to be at the pre-determined drive-thru location and time ready for customer pick-up.
Orders are tallied and payment for your portion is direct deposited into your nominated bank account.
Enquire about becoming a REKO vendor.
Please complete this form and we will be in touch.
Establishing REKO in Australia.
A REKO Ring was established in Dayboro within a week of the first COVID lockdown. Its initial appeal and 'organic' growth attracted a Facebook membership of over 500 in the first week. However to scale the REKO Ring, more buyers were needed.
To attract more buyers, more REKO Rings (and locations for distribution) were sought both within and outside the region. Finding a ‘pickup’ place in each region was undertaken by the REKO Ring vendors who volunteered to be administrators.
Given the risk involved in expanding, assistance was sought with marketing and securing buyers beyond the agribusinesses’ existing networks in Dayboro.
RDA Moreton Bay provided support to assist with the REKO Rings’ establishment elsewhere.
The growth of REKO Ring in Moreton Bay has been substantial. The model is accessible and duplicable, and most of the Moreton Bay REKO Rings were established within 10 weeks of the first lockdown. Word-of-mouth lead to 30 vendors participating weekly by the end of 2020.
The digital ecosystem has grown. On a Saturday morning, vendors now have the option of meeting buyers at Samford, Dayboro and North Lakes. They can also choose to supply a mid-week REKO Ring at Red Hill (outside the region).
To ascertain (qualitatively) the difference participating in the REKO Ring had made to vendors a short survey was conducted. The survey found: